Whoever you are, and wherever you are in life's journey, know that you are welcome here among us at Cumnor URC
The warm welcome is instant and sincere. We care for each other and the wider world. The Sunday service enables us to be with God in a time of spiritual renewal. The peace and calm of the monthly communion sustains and uplifts us - an oasis in an arid world.
We believe that Jesus was God in the world. He lived a life of outward-looking service and love to others and our members strive to do the same. All are welcome to sit beside us and feel the love and ensuing peace that can surround us in our old, but modernised church. See Our Statement of identity and purpose
Our members and friends generously support various charities. See Our Giving
There is a loop system in place for those with hearing problems and disabled access. The church and Garden Room have audio-visual technology, which is often used in services and is available for the use of hirers.
Worship every Sunday at 10.30 am
We are an inclusive church and welcome everyone to join in our worship. There is a children's area with books, crayons and toys so children and parents can remain in the church together.
Communion is served on the first Sunday of the month and all who seek to meet Christ in the broken bread and shared cup are welcome to participate. Donations of non perishable food and toiletries for the Witney Food Bank are accepted at this monthly service. See Our Giving
Tea and coffee are served afterwards in our light and airy hall, which all are welcome to share.
2 March - Revd Nigel Appleton, Communion Service
9 March - Revd Anne Bedford
16 March - Revd Kate Harford
23 March - Revd Judi Holloway
30 March - Mrs Jackie Holderness-Laar
The Church is now available for lettings.
Our attractive award winning church hall and well-equipped kitchen are available for lettings such as parties, classes, organisations and meetings. See Hall Lettings
To comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), churches are required to publish their data protection policy with regard to retention and use of personal data and this document serves to inform you, as a member, adherent, friend and contractor of Cumnor United Reformed Church, what information we hold and how it is used.
We would like to keep in contact with you as we currently do but if you have any objections to your personal data being handled as outlined below, you are entitled to request it is deleted from our records.
- Contact details – name, address, telephone number and, where provided, e-mail address, which have been freely given by a member, adherent, Oxford friend, and contractor of Cumnor URC or made available through the Wessex Synod, will be held by the Elders of the Church (Eldership) or individuals delegated by the Eldership.
- This information is used to inform members, adherents, Oxford friends, and contractors about Cumnor URC related activities and work requirements.
- Personal data will not be shared with third parties or given to any person outside the Eldership without the permission of the individual or individuals delegated by the Eldership.
- Communication via e-mail will always be sent as a Blind Copy so that e-mail addresses remain hidden and are never made public
- Members, adherents, friends, and contractors are entitled to ask what information is held about them and may, at any time, request that their data be deleted from record.
The Elders of Cumnor URC assume you are willing to have your data stored for use as described above unless you advise us to the contrary either by email secretary@cumnorurc.org.uk, or in writing to Data Controller, Cumnor URC, Leys Road, Cumnor, Oxfordshire, OX2 9QF or by telephone to 01865 246497.
To find out more please look at our updated Privacy Policy.