Diary and Events - 2025
Saturday 1 March - 2 p.m. talk by Richard Bradley "The Making of Pompeii" followed by afternoon tea. No entry fee but donations requested to freight costs for shipment of books to Njase Girls School, Choma, Zambia.
Saturday 17 May- 2 p.m. talk by Laurence Waters on "Oxford's Other Railways", followed by afternoon tea. No charge, donations welcome towards haulage of books to Njase Girls School, Choma, Zambia.
Saturday 13 September - 2 p.m. talk by Jules Pottle - title to be confirmed, followed by afternoon tea.
Saturday 23 August - 6.30 p.m. - Church barbeque
Saturday 15 November - 2 p.m. talk on Hope & Faith School, Zambia followed by afternoon tea. Speaker and title to be confirmed.